Why have a treatment?

There are many different personal reasons for wanting a treatment. They broadly fall into the following categories:

  • Reducing wrinkles
  • Reducing the signs of ageing
  • Improving symmetry and proportions

Reducing wrinkles

Wrinkles may occur during movement (dynamic wrinkles) or at rest (static wrinkles). During facial expression the muscles contract causing wrinkling of the overlying skin, for example the forehead when raising the eyebrows or the crow’s feet when smiling. When the face is relaxed and the muscle is at rest, the skin relaxes back to its normal length and the lines disappear. Anti-wrinkles injections with botulinum toxin aim to reduce these dynamic wrinkles.

The creases recover in younger skin, however over time repeated wrinkling becomes more permanent and visible at rest. These are known as static wrinkles and are more noticeable with age, after years of skin creasing. This is compounded by the associated loss of collagen with ageing creating a deeper wrinkle. Dermal fillers aim to replace some of the lost collagen in these areas to help fill and smooth out the wrinkles.

Reducing the signs of ageing

The gradual loss of collagen in the skin and loss of volume means there is a loss of support for the skin structures. As this loss of support worsens the skin begins to sag giving a tired look. With accurately placed dermal filler to replace the lost volume and give the support back to the skin, the whole face lifts to give a youthful and fresher appearance.

Improving symmetry and proportions

Some people are unhappy with certain facial features and would like to address their proportions or symmetry. In these cases, a combination of procedures may be used to smooth and soften areas whilst augmenting others to create a more balanced yet natural look.

Book now

Click here to book your consultation or come and see us at our clinics in Harborne and Quinton, Birmingham.

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